About Ethio telecom

Brief historical review

Telecom service was introduced in Ethiopia by Emperor Menelik II in 1894 during the commencement of the telephone line installation from Harar to Addis Ababa. Then the inter-urban network was expanded in all other directions from the capital and many important centers in the Empire were interconnected by landlines to facilitate long-distance communications with the help of intermediate operators acting as verbal human repeaters.

Establishment of Ethio telecom

As a continuation of the 2005/06-2009/10 five-year plan and after concentrating its efforts on education, health and agriculture, the Ethiopian government decided to focus on the improvement of telecommunication services considering them as key lever in the development of Ethiopia. Ethio telecom was born on 29 November 2010, from this ambition of supporting the steady growth of our country.

Organizational reform

  • 1890 :- Central Administration of Telephone and Telegraph System of Ethiopia
  • 1907:- The central office of Post, Telegraph and Telephone (PTT) System of Ethiopia
  • 1910 :- Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone (PT&T) 
  • 1952 :- The Imperial board Telecommunication of Ethiopia (IBTE)

(Recruited promising young Ethiopian to fill various senior positions and carried out and completed the Ethiopianization program in 1973)

  • 1975 :- The provisional Military of Socialist Ethiopian Telecommunication Services
  • 1996 :- Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)
  • 2010 :- Ethio telecom

Transition to Ethio telecom

Ethio telecom has got its current status since 29th November 2010 as a part of Ethiopia’s 2005/06 – 2009/10 GTP following the federal government’s decision to focus on improving telecom services, taking them as key to national development. Consequently, the country’s telecom infrastructure and services have been transformed to world-class standards to facilitate the development of the country with a great paradigm shift in the improvement of the sector.

Milestones: Technological Evolution

5G network official launch

we announced the official launch of our state-of-the-art 5G network. This groundbreaking technology promises to revolutionize society and business activities, serving as a gift of the new year.


5G Service

Our pre-commercial deployment of the 5G service in Addis Ababa, as the capital city of our country and the diplomatic seat of international and continental institutions is in line with our aspiration to become a preferred operator.


LTE Advanced

LTE advanced introduced in selected areas of Addis Ababa



4G/LTE introduced in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



Next Generation Fixed , Third Generation (3G) network  and dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) based on Optical fiber transmission introduced


Broadband multimedia service

Broadband multimedia service launched


Roaming service

Roaming service launched


Mobile service

Mobile service launched.


Internet service

Internet service introduced.


Digital microwave & fiber cable communication systems

Digital microwave & fiber cable communication systems initiated


Digital exchanges

Digital exchanges installed


Launched International communication through Sululta Earth Satellite Station

  • Launched International communication through Sululta Earth Satellite Station positioned to three different directions
  • 1979 :- The largest satellite dish (32 M Radius)
  • 1987 : - The second largest satellite dish
  • 1987 : - The smallest largest but highly sophisticated satellite dish (32 M Radius)

1979 -1987

Installed radio stations for international and domestics services

Installed radio stations for international and domestics services


Telegraph Service

Dire Dewa -Djibouti telegraph service started


Long distance voice communication with the assistance /Operator

Started the service by long distance voice communication with the assistance /Operator


Three Years LEAD Growth Strategy

Our company, with a new beginning and a new perspective, began implementing its newly devised three-years LEAD Growth Strategy starting from July 01, 2022, with a vision of providing services beyond connectivity, enabling inclusive growth by providing digital and financial services and simplifying the daily activities of organizations and individuals.


Provide Reliable Communications & Digital Financial Services to Simplify Life and Accelerate Digital Transformation of Ethiopia.



A Leading Digital Solutions Provider


Core Values

We are responsive to our employees, customers and stakeholders aligned with their interests and values.

We are trustworthy, responsible and accountable to do business centering ethics at the heart of our business.

We are committed for quality, excellency and professionalism. We take every challenge as an opportunity using innovative approaches and centering digitalization for better result.

We care and protect environment, contribute for the overall development of our society and we do engage in ethical business and do business ethically.

We always perform in synergy and teamwork internally and work in collaboration with ecosystem players so as to grow together.